Coaching App

Use our coaching app for season planning, lineup management, player progress tracking, and more!


Drag-and-drop lineup management
Share real-time lineup updates
Collect shots on net or any other stat
Take voice notes for a player or the team
In-game player evaluations
Engage parents and other volunteers
Create and manage your season plan
Monitor player progress over time
Track who has won team awards
Prepare for pre-game talks
Track and prioritize coaching tasks
Import roster and events from TeamSnap

1-Minute Introduction

Full Walkthrough

Setting up your team

0:28 - Creating a team
0:44 - Importing your team from TeamSnap
1:45 - Reviewing your imported roster and events
2:28 - Coach view
2:35 - Sync player availability

Lineup management

2:53 - Set up a game lineup using drag-and-drop
3:33 - Review lineup history
4:20 - Website app vs smartphone app
5:12 - Opening the coaching app using a QR code
5:24 - Using the coaching app on your smartphone
5:45 - Sharing the lineup with other coaches
6:33 - Using a volunteer id
7:25 - Shared lineup updates
8:30 - Collecting player stats
9:30 - Shared stat updates
10:20 - Sharing the app with parent volunteers

More app features

10:55 - Pre-game topics
11:27 - Recording voice notes for the team
12:17 - Recording voice notes for a player
12:50 - Using sliders to evaluate a player
14:14 - Reviewing award history

Customizing team information

15:14 - Adding permissions
15:50 - Player evaluation defaults
16:15 - Lineup defaults
16:27 - Pre-game talk defaults
16:40 - Stat defaults
16:53 - Award defaults
17:15 - Printing a game lineup

Reviewing data

17:56 - Reviewing game stats and awards
18:22 - Reviewing player notes and evaluations
18:46 - Reviewing team notes
18:50 - Reviewing player progress and notes

More website features

19:26 - Practice management
20:23 - Assigning lessons to players
20:53 - Volunteer search
21:00 - Task management

Season planning

21:15 - Introduction
21:45 - Season themes
23:02 - Three ways to create a season plan
23:40 - Using a template plan
25:52 - Building a plan from scratch
26:21 - Importing a plan
26:58 - Tracking progress on season plan items
28:09 - Setting up month-by-month plan categories


29:08 - Printing all QR codes
29:43 - Closing remarks
30:07 - Other features



Use drag-and-drop to create your lineup; updates are automatically shared in real time with other coaches who scanned a QR code for the game


Click to expand image

Season Plan

Use a template or create your own season plan from scratch, then track how many times you've practiced or discussed each item with your team

Season Plan

Click to expand image

Player Evaluations

Any number of observers can each take notes and use sliders to evaluate the game performance for each player

Player Evaluations

Click to expand image

Voice Notes

Use your phone to record team or player voice notes, which will be automatically transcribed into text notes

Voice Notes

Click to expand image

Player Stats

Coaches, parents, or fans can collect any kind of countable player stat simply by tapping on a player name during the game

Player Stats

Click to expand image

Team Awards

Track award winners, and easily review potential winners after a game to determine who has not won an award in the longer period of time

Team Awards

Click to expand image

Progress Tracking

Player evaluations are tracked over time, and all notes taken for each player during the season are collected in one place for easy review

Progress Tracking

Click to expand image


Manage access and track who entered coaching app data using a system-generated 4-digit id for each volunteer


Click to expand image

Pre-Game Talks

Quickly make notes for your pre-game talk, either at your computer or using the coaching app at the rink

Pre-Game Talks

Click to expand image


Simplify your admin work by recording, categorizing, and prioritizing all of your coaching tasks right in the app


Click to expand image


Manage and monitor progress for your off-ice training by collecting videos or other content in a lesson, then assigning that lesson to your players


Click to expand image

TeamSnap Import

Import your team roster, events, and player availability from TeamSnap, then sync things up at any time with a single button click

TeamSnap Import

Click to expand image