
Profile - {{sCore.getUserName(working)}}

Edit Profile

Your username cannot be changed

The user id can't be changed

At least one email is required

Email is not valid

Leave blank if you do not want to change the password

Specify whether this user needs a strong password

Specify whether this user needs to reset their password

Email is required

Email is not valid

{{user.created | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd'}}
This is how much storage you are using for your uploaded files
You have up to {{}} available

You can enter a new value in bytes

Website is not valid


Specify whether you want to receive {{sCore.getSiteName()}} email bulletins


Specify how often you would like to receive email notifications for forum messages
{{sUser.getForumAlertDescription(working.settings.default.forumMessageAlert, true)}}
This default setting can be overridden for each forum
Specify whether to receive email notifications for private quiz comments
This default setting can be overridden for each quiz
Specify whether to receive email notifications when you are instructing a course and students submit quiz responses
This default setting can be overridden for each quiz


Specify whether to always enable the Save Changes button, even if some of the non-required data for the item being edited is not valid
Specify whether to check if emails should be sent with localhost links, which is sometimes useful in a testing environment

Access Log

No items are available
{{item.user.username}}{{item.timestamp | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd'}}{{item.timestamp | date: 'HH:mm:ss'}}{{item.reason}}

Change Log

No items are available
{{item.user.username}}{{item.timestamp | date: 'yyyy-MM-dd'}}{{item.timestamp | date: 'HH:mm:ss'}}{{item.reason}}